Saturday 17 September 2016

‘Feared the worst, hoped for the best’

September 11, 2001, is known to be the deadliest day known in the American History. On this day, approximately 2,996 people were killed in the terrorist attacks by the Islamic extremist group, al-Qaeda, who hijacked 4 airliners and targeted in the United States. It is a series of 4 terrorist attacks all associated in one day. Their main targets were the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, The Pentagon outside Washington D.C. and a field in Pennsylvania. Today, September 11, 2016, CNMI became the first part of the U.S. to honor the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy during the event of TanHoldings’ nearly weeklong “We Will Never Forget: Field of Heroes” ceremony at the CPA Airport Field.

Despite the dark clouds covering up the sky, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3457 junior vice commander Brad Ruszala solemnly gave his speech by recalling the 9/11 tragedy. “We feared the worst, hoped for the best, and waited for word from anyone in Manhattan. The word did not come,” Ruszala also remembered his lost employees who were part of the attack during the incident. Him, just like other veterans, wanted to reenlist and fight back for his country. “Everyone wanted to do something; I wanted to do something. I was angry, and wanted to punish those responsible for inflicting pain upon our country, upon innocent civilians, upon those who robbed families of their loved ones, and upon those who robbed children of a future with their parents” Ruszala’s powerful and emotional speech really took people back to the tragedy and brought us back in tears.

Emotions were spread high up as the ceremony went on. Several community members such as John Hirsch, the executive director of the American Red Cross NMI Chapter expressed his appreciation towards several donators and to the TanHolding for supporting this event. “Thanks to TanHoldings and a lot of community partners for the field of flags. It’s quite impressive and it’s great to see so many people and stakeholders out here honoring all those that lost their lives that day and how the USA have changed,” said Hirsch. More than 120 people attended the event. Members of the Legislature, officials from the Executive Branch and other government agencies, 2016 Miss Marianas Universe Peachy Quitugua, as well as business and community leaders attended the ceremony. As to honor those victims who were part of the 9/11 tragedy, the attendees walked a lap around the CPA Airport Field with sorrow.

The 9/11 attack was the most heartbreaking tragedy that has ever happened in the American History. It still brings us back to tears as we recall how solemn and powerful the attack was. The victims of the 9/11 attack will never be forgotten. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief.  And also remember the hours after the attack, we came together as one! It was the worst day we’ve ever seen, but it brought out the best in all of us. 

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