Saturday 24 September 2016

CCA still looking for betel nut chewers

On September 23, 2016, the Commonwealth Cancer Association program director Juan L. Babauta renewed their call for volunteer betel nut chewers to be part of a study program that is being done in cooperation with University of Guam’s Cancer Research Center. It is a paid program launched by UOG-CRC in partnership with the Hawaii Cancer Research Center. As part of establishing this program, their main intention is to show everyone how dangerous betel nut can be. Although three betel nut chewers have already signed up for this program, they are still looking for volunteers who are willing to join this program and make a difference in our community. 

As I’ve noticed, not much people pay much attention to this article. But do you ever wonder how hazardous can a simple betel nut could be? Research has revealed serious health risks of betel nut.  Based on my research, chewing betel nut could link to oral cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not consider betel nut safe for chewing or eating. A study in the Journal of the American Dental Association reports that betel nut users are at a higher risk for oral submucous fibrosis. In this condition, it can cause stiffness in the mouth and the loss of jaw movement. Due to these health risks, Gov. Ralph DLG Torres will also be signing House Bill 19-165, an act that would prohibit the sale of areca or betel nut to minors, in a ceremony at 11am today at the Governor’s Office conference room of the Juan A. Sablan Memorial Building in Capital Hill.

Everyone knows that betel nut chewing is part of the Pacific Island culture especially in the CNMI. But as part of the CNMI, betel nut chewing has become a significant public health problem over the years. In order to reduce these health risks, CCA is reaching out to the betel chewers who are overly addicted to it.  According to Saipan Tribune, Oral cancer is increasing in our society which results in death of our aggressive nature. Taking the initiative to join this program and help guide our society will surely reduce the death risk which has been aggressively increasing over the past few years. As a community, it’s best to promote these guidelines and living healthy together.

As to conclude, I strongly believe that it is important to dedicate at least half of your time into this program. Taking the initiative to be part of this program would be considered as an honor not only for yourself but for the citizens who are part of our community. As a volunteer, you would be able to teach our citizens how cautious betel nut chewing is and help them understand how risky their life could drop into. You are just not saving yourself but also saving millions of other’s lives as well. As a community, coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success. If you are betel nut chewer, take the initiative to take part in this program and promote the influence and knowledge to achieve our goal.   

The link below provides the article:

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