Saturday 19 November 2016

2016 Presidential Election

            Ever wonder why the presidential election is important? Electing the president who would take control of our country really matters. The President is known to be the leader of our country who has a lot of power. As a president, his responsibility is to protect our country by establishing rights and providing great needs. When a person is elected as a President, he will automatically become the Commander in Chief, who will be in charge of the military and our security. A president can really make an impact in your life based on their decisions. This is why it is very significant that we should all take the presidential election very seriously.

            The 2016 presidential election is known to be the most important election of our lifetime. Based on what I remember, we were left with two elected presidential candidates. The candidate who represented the Republican Party was Donald Trump. Almost half of the population shares a strong hatred towards him due to his unsatisfactory personality. As the election approached, there were threats going around on Social Media to the Trump supporters. Now, as we move on to the second candidate who represented the Democratic Party. She was the first woman to become the 67th United States Secretary of the State. She is the wife of the former President, Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton was also part of this presidential election which was really crucial. Most of our nation endorsed her for president by calling “experienced, thoughtful and deeply knowledgeable public servant.” while warning that Republican opponent Donald Trump was a “thin-skinned demagogue who is unqualified and unsuited to be president.” But as her email scandals were poured out to the public again, it sort of gave her supporters a second thought. Even though her email scandals were found, people still endorsed her because they didn’t have any other better option. People would rather deal with a president who lies rather than a president who is described to be “dumb, uneducated and negligible.”

            As the Election Day approached the nation was positive and sure who Hillary’s Presidential victory. But the results put the whole nation to shock. Donald Trump won the presidential election by 290 votes while Hillary Clinton reached 232 votes. The whole nation went wild and crazy. According to Fox News, Arizona’s presidential electors were being harassed, urged not to cast vote for Trump. Since Trump’s victory on November 08, many of the violent protesters  has erupted cities in Portland and New York City. Everything took us by surprise but I believe that everything that has been happening is happening for a reason.

            This year’s presidential election has really taken the whole nation by surprise. I know Trump and Hillary has both set a bad image before their Presidential post. But not everyone can be perfect. There are both Trump and Hillary supporters out there who wants their model to win to make America great. And I think that we should give Trump a chance. God doesn’t just sit there and watch us suffer, he knows what he is doing and he will reach out the right time and maybe, this is the right time. There’s always a rainbow after every storm and in this situation, either Trump will be the rainbow or the storm…we just have to see. 

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